Use this worksheet to map out the people in your life that are most relevant to the decision about pregnancy.
The Circle of Intimacy
The Circle of Intimacy is made up of those with whom we share great intimacy, secrets, and heartfelt emotions. These are the people who are so dear to us that their absence would impact us greatly. This may or may not include family members.
The Circle of Friendship
The Circle of Friendship is made up of those people who are friends or relatives who we call upon to go out to dinner or see a movie, but are not those who we would consider our dearest friends or those we must see regularly.
The Circle of Participation
The Circle of Participation is where you appear, along with the names of the people you know and the organizations you participate in. This could include religious/spiritual groups, where you work, where you went or go to school, clubs, organizations, athletic teams, or anywhere you participate and interact with people. Some of these individuals may later become closer to you and move to Friendship and Intimacy circles.
The Circle of Exchange
The Circle of Exchange is made up of people who we have a relationship with but are not close to us. These are people like doctors, social workers, or therapists. This can also include personal attendants or other caregivers that you may not be close to but are a part of your life.